Accessible Criminal Defense You Can Trust

Exploring Your Alternatives To Jail Time

Although district attorneys prosecute criminal offenses harshly, they are sometimes willing to negotiate alternative sentences that allow defendants to avoid prison. This lightens the overburdened prison population and gives offenders with lighter charges a second chance at freedom.

At Lombardi & Miler Law Firm PLLC, we regularly get alternative sentencing for our clients. Serving all of Iowa, we have decades of experience practicing criminal law. Whether you have a misdemeanor or felony charge on your hands, our defense attorneys will explore your options for diversionary programs.

Alternative Sentencing: What To Know

Courts like to offer alternative sentencing options to first-time offenders of nonviolent, low-level crimes. For example, first-time drug offenders. A few examples of common alternative sentences include:

  • Pretrial diversion programs: You attend a program such as anger management or drug treatment and the court drops the charge against you once you complete it.
  • Probation and parole: Rather than go to jail, you are free but must live under certain conditions and meet with a probation or parole officer regularly.
  • Drug and mental health courts: To treat an underlying addiction or mental illness, you can attend court-mandated rehabilitation programs.
  • Electronic monitoring and house arrest: You avoid jail, but must wear an electronic monitoring device at all times and/or must stay in your home at all times.

Sometimes, the District Attorneys’ office refuses to budge on a jail sentence. In addition, the demand for diversionary programs is high while the number of programs is comparatively low. You will need criminal law attorneys who have connections in the community and can negotiate aggressively with the district attorney. Our team has a long-standing record of securing alternative programs for our clients, even those facing harsh jail sentences.

Ask Our Lawyers About Alternative Sentencing

To learn more about diversionary programs and whether they are right for you, please contact Lombardi & Miler Law Firm PLLC. Our West Des Moines criminal defense attorneys can assist you. For a free consultation, please call 515-513-5324 or send us an email.