Accessible Criminal Defense You Can Trust

Vehemently Protecting Your Rights In Vehicular Homicide Cases

Vehicular homicide is one of the most serious criminal charges in Iowa. A conviction for vehicular homicide will almost certainly result in incarceration – sometimes for years.

You need prompt, aggressive defense from Lombardi & Miler Law Firm PLLC. We have a team of two criminal law attorneys who protect the rights of clients across Iowa. When your future is at stake, you can turn to us for cohesive yet compassionate criminal defense service.

What Should I Know About Vehicular Homicide?

In Iowa, vehicular homicide refers to unintentionally taking someone’s life while operating a vehicle. There are three categories of vehicular homicide. They include:

  • Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Driving recklessly
  • Driving while drag racing

The victim can be a pedestrian, cyclist or passenger in the vehicle. Failure to stop and render aid after the crash can result in a mandatory minimum sentence for the offender. A conviction also nearly always results in the long-term suspension or revocation of your driver’s license.

The Aggressive Defense That Can Help You

Vehicular homicide charges often coincide with crimes such as operating while under the influence (OWI), vehicular assault and possession of a controlled substance. When up against such serious obstacles, it is crucial to have a private criminal defense attorney. Our lawyers take a team approach, combining their years of experience to create a thorough defense against misdemeanor or felony charges.

Do Not Hesitate – Get Counsel Now

The sooner you seek representation from an attorney, the better your chances of a favorable outcome. Our criminal defense lawyers are ready to shield you from the consequences of a potential conviction. Contact our West Des Moines office at 515-513-5324 or send us an email to schedule a free consultation about vehicular homicide charges.