Accessible Criminal Defense You Can Trust

Facing Marijuana Charges In Iowa?

Roughly half of the states in the U.S. now allow for recreational marijuana use, but Iowa is not one of them. Although medical marijuana can be purchased and used by those with the proper medical marijuana card, it cannot be purchased by – or sold to – someone who is not in this program. At the same time, residents of Iowa cannot legally go to another state, purchase recreational marijuana products, and bring them home. This would violate both state and federal laws.

Here at Lombardi & Miler Law Firm PLLC, we understand the complexities of changing marijuana laws. Long gone are the days when it was simply illegal everywhere, for any purpose. People now have to navigate a complex web of laws, and we are here to help. With years of experience, personalized service for all our clients and a track record of courtroom success, we are the only criminal defense attorneys you need to call.

Common Charges And Potential Consequences

Possession is one of the most common marijuana charges, as any Des Moines defense lawyer will attest. For a first offense with any amount of marijuana products, it could lead to a fine of $1,000 and six months in jail. For subsequent charges, the ramifications become more severe. For instance, a third offense could lead to two years in jail and nearly $9,000 in fines.

Cultivation and distribution charges are more severe, as they are often felonies. For instance, the distribution of between 50kg and 100kg of marijuana could lead to 10 years in jail on felony charges and fines of $50,000. This also creates a permanent criminal record, which could be a future bar to employment, educational opportunities, financial opportunities and much more.

Exploring Your Criminal Defense Options

If you are facing serious charges that could change the course of your life, get in touch with us for a free consultation. Our experienced team looks forward to helping you explore your defense options. Just send us an email or call 515-513-5324 today to schedule your free consultation.